

Visit i4joy This website was created for you to find out more about the resources available globally to connect with Prem Rawat’s message, videos, events and initiatives. https://i4joy.com/                        ...
Watch Prem Rawat on YouTube

Watch Prem Rawat on YouTube

“Interested in discovering inner peace, well-being and a greater understanding of life? In his 50+ year career, Prem has offered his message of peace to millions through his unique Peace Education Program (PEP) and international events. Subscribe to the channel to...
Intelligent Existence

Intelligent Existence

This is an amazing new course that Prem Rawat is creating called Intelligent Existence. Subscribe at this site to receive updates about when it will be offered. It is in the final stages of development right now. Home              ...
Prem Rawat.com

Prem Rawat.com

This a great place to learn more about Prem Rawat and his message that is impacting so many lives across the world:https://www.premrawat.com/ Sponsored by Peace is Possible NC  FB – https://www.facebook.com/Peaceontheinside/...
Bring in the Light

Bring in the Light

In March of this year, Prem Rawat met with supporters of the Peace Education Program in Mexico, where the wellbeing course is being embraced by diverse people in family development organizations, correctional facilities, law enforcement and more. Here is the link to a...
New Year’s Message from Prem Rawat

New Year’s Message from Prem Rawat

This 15 minute video, “A Genuine Dream” is all about practicing the skills that make us human beings.  And a simple message about a way to go forward into the new year. Enjoy. Sponsored by Peace is Possible NC  FB...