Expanding Hope – The Peace Education Program Hear Billa Nanra, a former inmate of the Leeds Prison in England, tell how participating in the Peace Education Program helped him turn his life in a new direction. Also hear Prem’s address from his recent visit to...
The Peace Education Program, a series of 10 classes, is beginning on January 3 at AmeriHealth Caritas at 216 Asheland Avenue, Asheville, North Carolina. These classes are open to everyone interested. ...
Visit i4joy This website was created for you to find out more about the resources available globally to connect with Prem Rawat’s message, videos, events and initiatives. https://i4joy.com/ ...
Visit https://tprf.org/peace-education-program/ at TPRF for the latest information on how the Peace Education Program is growing all around the world. For Information on a case study: Peace Education Program Facilitates Culture of Peace in Peruvian Schools visit: Case...
“Interested in discovering inner peace, well-being and a greater understanding of life? In his 50+ year career, Prem has offered his message of peace to millions through his unique Peace Education Program (PEP) and international events. Subscribe to the channel to...