Bobbye Farino recommends Peace Education Program Asheville: “I have had the great good fortune to be a part of an exceptional Peace Education team here in South Florida for the past five years or more. We have been delivering the program as facilitators in the prison system on a weekly basis. Not only is the program life changing for the prison participants, it is life changing for those of us facilitating and interacting with the inmates. The Peace Education Program is happening in many many places all over the world. I know some of the people on the Asheville team and I know the quality of the classes themselves and Prem Rawat’s work. It is an honor and a priviledge to be a part of this work. Check it out and see for yourself. No words can tell you more than your own experience. Knowing yourself and all the strength and beauty inside of you is priceless. Become involved in these classes and feel what your heart has to offer. It is lifechanging to love the life you are living and to see what a truly magnificent human being you are.”

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